Planned communities are housing developments that design homes, roads, and other features around a central theme that compliments the unique architectural and cultural qualities of the community and enhances public right-of-way.

Due to the vast scope involving the development of planned communities, cities and counties impose requirements that would need to be met.
In the City of Los Angeles, Section 13.14 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code establishes the Community Plan Implementation Overlay Districts (CPIO), which impose supplemental development regulations tailored to each Community Plan.
While the CPIO provides vast regulatory guidance, any approved Specific Plan or Historic Preservation Overlay Zone Plan (HPOZ) takes precedence over its provisions pursuant to Section 13.14(B).
A designated community within a CPIO must include a map showing the community’s boundaries, the project name, applicable public rights-of-way, and zoning classifications.
In Los Angeles County, any planned community in an unincorporated area outside of a city needs to have their own County Ordinance. Examples of this are Chapter 22.304 for Agua Dulce, Chapter 22.312 for Castaic Area, Chapter 22.326 for Juniper Hills, and Chapter 22.336 for Santa Monica Mountains North Area.
These chapters also designate purpose, definitions, district maps, and standards within their boundaries.
Per 22.326.010 Juniper Hills' purpose is described as a rural community and would not be appropriate for urban infrastructure like expensive public sewage and water systems.
The current standards mentioned under this Chapter are intended to maintain the low densities and unique desert foothill appearance.
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