Newport Beach includes more than eight miles of beaches. While these beaches are open to the public, there are time and usage restrictions in place, which are codified in Chapter 11.04 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code.

Public beaches in Newport Beach are open from 6:00 AM until 10:00 PM on all ocean and bay beaches. Piers remain open until midnight. The exception is Crystal Cove State Park, which closes its beach at sunset.
Dogs are also permitted on Newport Beach’s public beaches before 10:00 AM and after 4:30 PM. However, all dogs on public beaches must be leashed and the leash cannot be longer than six feet long.
Allowing a dog to be off-leash in any public spaces in Newport Beach is prohibited by law. In addition, all dog owners must pick up any feces left on public property by the dog and must bring their own bags for retrieval.
Group sizes at public beaches are also limited to no more than 50 people. Up to 2 canopies are allowed per group, but these must remain open on at least 3 sides. Groups may take up no more than two tables. Typical beach equipment, such as beach chairs, umbrellas, and blankets are permitted.
The following items are prohibited by law from all public beaches in Newport Beach at all times:
glass container
bounce houses
water slides
cigarettes & other smoking items
The City of Newport Beach also allows wedding ceremonies on the beach, with some restrictions. Specifically, the beach area cannot be reserved and the areas for the ceremony may not be roped off or restrict access to the beach to the general public. Wedding parties are subject to the same limitations on group size and the same group.
To learn more, contact Newport Beach Real Estate Attorneys today -- Go to or call (800) 233-8521 for a free phone consultation.