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News & Insights

Purchasing a 1-4 Family Property After a Foreclosure Sale
SB 1079 became effective on January 1, 2021 and was passed in order to provide potential homeowners an advantage over real estate...

Discharging Loans via Bankruptcy
Student loans are difficult, but not impossible, to discharge in bankruptcy. To do so, you must show that payment of the debt will...

Bankruptcy: Exemptions and Exceptions
If you are thinking of filing for bankruptcy, contact our legal offices to discuss how you can maximize your exemptions.

Eliminating Second Mortgage via Bankruptcy
Although a lot of people think the best option that they have is to surrender the realty or the home which they purchased a long time...

Role of a Bankruptcy Trustee
Many people who are contemplating filing bankruptcy ask the question, what exactly is the job of the bankruptcy trustee? Is he my friend...

How to Qualify Under the Means Test
The principal provision of this Congressional enactment was the addition of a “means test” designed to prevent higher income earners from...

Will I Lose My Home if I File for Bankruptcy?
The answer to this question depends upon a number of factors. The first of which is, what chapter bankruptcy is contemplated i.e.,...

Bankruptcy Intake
TIP #1 – Reassuring the Debtor One of the most common concerns the debtor has (when inquiring about how the bankruptcy process works) is...

Bankruptcy Means Test
The “means test” is a formula designed to keep filers with higher incomes from filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Only bankruptcy filers...

Foreclosure and the Automatic Say
While there are many reasons for the rise in bankruptcy filings, with working families falling victim to job losses, the collapse in the...
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